University of Maryland

Diversity Committee

More information coming soon.

AY 2015-2016 Diversity Committee Activities

AY 2015-2016 annual_report_of_diversity_committee_activities.docx

2015-2016 Committee Membership and Charge

The Diversity Committee is responsible for increasing the iSchool’s ability to inclusively engage and meet the needs of all faculty, staff, students, and partners. This includes, but is not limited to, promoting awareness of diversity issues within the College; facilitating efforts to increase representation of underrepresented populations among the students, staff, faculty, and partners; arranging for College to work with organizations and be represented at diversity events; and coordinating the James Partridge Award.

Members & Chair

<Student – TBD> Member
Brian Butler Member (ex officio, non-voting)
Maggie Rodriquez Member
Leah Findlater Member
Paul Jaeger Chair


Requested Actions for 2015-2016

In addition to the general activities associated with fulfilling the committee’s purpose (as described above), it is requested that the Diversity committee identify 5 or more actionable projects that would significantly increase iSchool’s ability to inclusively engage all faculty, staff, students, and partners, and work with the appropriate parties to complete those projects during the 2015-2016 academic year.

The projects should be identified by mid-Fall and communicated to the College to allow them to be completed during the 2015-2016 academic year.

Other Responsibilities and Requirements

The chair is responsible for conducting regular meetings and ensuring they are included in the iSchool Calendar so that interested parties may attend (send Daisy Mason the meeting dates, times, and locations to get them added to the iSchool Calendar).

The chair is also responsible for communicating with the College about the committee’s activities.  Activities to accomplish this can include, but need not be limited to:

  • Distribution of meeting minutes through the College intranet
  • Providing timely updates to the Dean for inclusion in the weekly College update
  • Distribution of a monthly update (if this is appropriate, please coordinate with Daisy Mason to schedule distribution of the regular committee update)
  • Conducting open meetings or briefings on specific topics for interested faculty, staff, and students

If you are unsure what communication channels are most appropriate for your committee, please contact the Dean’s office/communication coordinator and we will work with you to develop a communication plan.