Expectation Setting and Development
The employee and supervisor will formally meet to establish performance expectations and identify concrete position related goals for the next evaluation cycle. This process will include identifying “Stretch Goals” for the position and helping the employee identify career goals. The employee and supervisor will need to define what it means to “Achieve” each goal and should also identify any resources, trainings, or support that can be provided to help the employee meet stated goals. Additionally, the employee will have the opportunity to articulate how their supervisor can best provide coaching and mentorship through consistent recognition and feedback. This meeting will be documented using the INFO Staff Expectation Setting and Development planning document.
An employee’s final overall performance rating will be based on two sets of measures: (1) Performance Factor ratings and (2) the achievement of the Period Goals and Objectives developed for the review period. Both of these elements will be weighted equally when determining the final overall performance rating for the cycle. Overall performance rating will be assessed using a 5-point scale.
The INFO Staff Expectation Setting and Development planning document will serve as a foundation for employee/supervisor check-ins, as well as the Mid-Year Review, and the Final Review. It is recommended that employee/supervisor check-ins occur on a frequent basis between mandatory Performance Review and Development milestones. INFO HR will send forms for each position to supervisors in early May. Completed forms signed by both the employee and supervisor are due to INFO HR by May 31st or within the first four weeks of the employees start date at the INFO College.
Mid-Year Review
Supervisors should schedule frequent feedback conversations with employees throughout the year, but the Mid-Year Review will serve as a formal check-point to assess goal progress as well as current performance factor ratings. During the Mid-Year Review, supervisors should address concerns that will prevent an employee from achieving a “meets expectations” rating. This will allow the employee time to resolve issues or adjust their approach to situations prior to the Final Review. The INFO College Staff Expectation Setting and Development planning document should be used to guide your conversation.
Self Evaluation
Self-reflection is a crucial element of human development. Taking time to recognize your own accomplishments, assess your skills and knowledge, and identify areas in need of growth will support your success as an INFO College employee. The information that you provide on the INFO College Self Evaluation Form will help you and your supervisor prepare for your Annual Performance Review and the next cycle’s Expectation Setting meeting. Employees will be asked to describe their entire performance during the review period, as well as factors that may have impacted them, critically examine objectives for the coming year and future career planning, and track achievement or progress of goals from the review period.
Supervisor Evaluation
The INFO College wants all employees to do well in their positions. One tool we use to set goals and measure performance is the Annual Performance Review. In the past, your supervisor would evaluate your work performance, but there was no formal way for you to evaluate your supervisor’s work performance. Supervisors are responsible for creating a comfortable work climate. You know firsthand how well your supervisor is doing. You work closely with your supervisor all year long.
Everyone has a role in making the INFO College successful, and that includes you. Your opinion counts. Your voice will be heard. Administrators will listen to what you have to say about your supervisor’s work performance.
Why should I evaluate my supervisor’s work performance?
Your opinion about your supervisor’s effectiveness is important. It will help identify areas in which they are doing well and/or needs improvement. Your feedback will become part of your supervisor’s performance evaluation and help them set goals for the year.
Me rate my boss? You have to be kidding!
Some employees may be uncomfortable about evaluating their supervisor. Remember:
- It will go directly to the next level supervisor
- The next level supervisor has been instructed not to show this form to your supervisor
- This is an opportunity to give constructive feedback, without fear of retaliation
Will my opinion make a difference?
YES! The next level supervisor will take into consideration your opinions and comments made through this evaluation process. The information you provide will be used to evaluate your supervisor’s overall work performance and create a professional development plan.
So, how do I use this form?
Answer as honestly and fairly as you can. Use the INFO College Supervisor Evaluation form-PDF to evaluate your supervisor’s work performance for the entire past year. Answer as fairly as you can and feel free to make comments.
Submit completed forms to INFO HR at infohr@umd.edu.
Final Review
The Final Review will evaluate and document your entire performance during the review period. An employee’s final overall performance rating will be based on two sets of measures: (1) Performance Factor ratings and (2) the achievement of the Period Goals and Objectives developed for the review period. Both of these elements will be weighted equally when determining the final overall performance rating for the cycle. Overall performance rating will be assessed using a 5-point scale. Please revisit the INFO College Staff Expectation Setting and Development planning document to guide your conversation.
If the employee and the supervisor are not in agreement with the overall performance review rating, the area(s) of disagreement should be documented in memo format and submitted with the Final Review form. Supervisors please note: “Stretch Goals” will not be used in the determination of overall performance rating for this review period.
Staff Position Changes
In consultation with INFO HR Coordinator, a supervisor can request changes to a current position and its essential duties and responsibilities. This process will include describing the conditions that caused this position to change, explaining the impact to current operations if this staff member does not take on additional responsibilities, and outlining a new position description to incorporate the percentage of time allocated to complete new or increased essential duties.