University of Maryland

Interest Group Annual Reporting

Each year, existing interest groups are expected to submit an Annual Report. Each Annual Report includes:

  • Name of Interest Group & Name of Interest Group Contact
  • Purpose/focus of group and how it has supported the College’s mission
  • Who has been involved over the past year, their roles/responsibilities (including admin support)
  • Regular meetings (number held, attendance, outcomes)
  • Status of projects
  • Public events held (description of all events and attendance)
  • Financial summary: all expenditures and funding sources

Requests for Continued Operations and funding will be assessed based on:

  • Importance and relevance of topic to the INFO
  • Successful group meetings (regular occurrence, sufficient attendance, and positive outcomes — examples: research agenda-setting, discovery discussions, project/proposal initiation, etc.)
  • Progress on identified projects and proposal of new projects (proposals submitted/ received, publications submitted/ accepted, etc.)
  • Successful completion of public events (execution and demonstrated non-member participation)
  • Up-to-date web and communication presence (review of content + activity)
  • Effective use of resources

Requests to establish or continue an interest group will be reviewed by a committee chaired by the Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives Chair, including the Associate Dean for Research, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and a College Advisory Committee (CAC) Member (selected each year by the CAC Chair).  The review committee will assess requests based on the criteria described above and make recommendations to the Dean regarding new and continued funding and provide feedback for Interest Groups on their progress and proposed activities.

Interest Group Annual Report Template (Click here)