Susan Winter, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Research
E-mail: sjwinter@umd.edu
PTX 1109B |
- Strategic large-scale research projects
- Partnering with other Colleges, Centers, and research partners
- Strategic assessment & providing research support
Polly O’Rourke, Ph.D.
Director of Research Development
E-mail: porourke@umd.edu
PTX 1109F |
- Research proposal development and research support
- Strategic interdisciplinary partnerships
- Researcher training, outreach, and resources
Luis Cortes
Research Support Manager & IRB Liaison
E-mail: lcortes@umd.edu
PTX 1109H |
- Research Administration
- Compliance and IRB
- Research Resource Management
Paris Lane
Research Coordinator
E-mail: parilane@umd.edu
PTX 1109G |
- Research Communications
- Interest Group Admin Support
- HCIL Admin Support
Elizabeth (Beth) Bonsignore, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Scientist and Director of KidsTeam
E-mail: ebonsign@umd.edu
PTX 2109K |
- Research proposal support and copy-editing
- Researcher resources and outreach
- IRB feedback (backup)