University of Maryland

Submitting an IRB Amendment

Amendment: This is a modification to a currently IRB Approved protocol. Any changes to an IRB-approved protocol (Exempt/Expedited/Full Board) must be submitted to and approved by the IRB prior to implementation.

Once an IRB package is accepted, Principal Investigators (PIs) cannot make any changes whatsoever to official IRB-approved documents. For example, if a PI seeks to make changes to recruitment, change procedures, or any other changes to an approved IRB, the PI is required to submit an amendment. Any deviation from the approved research protocol must be reviewed by the IRB prior to implementation of those changes.

If the proposed revisions modify the protocol a great deal, the IRB may request that a new protocol application be submitted. Contact the IRB Office with any questions.

Principal Investigators MUST complete and submit an IRB Amendment Application and attach amended documents or any other supporting documentation to their packages. IRB Liaison signature is NOT required for amendment submissions, but we encourage PIs to have a separate set of eyes to review packages prior to submission.

Submit an Amendment

When is an amendment needed?

Examples of changes that warrant an amendment:

  • Adding or removing study personnel
  • Adding or removing a research site
  • Updating contact information on a flyer
  • Changing wording on the previously approved consent form
  • Revising the study procedures
  • Revising the study title
  • Changing the Principal Investigator
  • Adding or removing a question in your survey/interview
  • Adding translated versions of study documents (recruitment materials, consent forms)
  • Adding Letters of Support/Approval from schools, research sites, or community partners

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. If you are not sure whether a change requires an amendment, please reach out to the IRB Office.

Important Points Regarding Amendment(s):

(1) Federal Regulations require that all revisions be approved by the IRB prior to their implementation.

(2) Amendments that increase the risk of research participation must be approved by the fully convened IRB committee.

(3) If the proposed revisions heavily modify the protocol, the IRB may request that a new protocol application be submitted. Contact the IRB Office if you have questions.

Risk Classification:

The protocol application presents minimal risk or greater than minimal risk

(1) Minimal Risk is defined as “the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater in and of themselves than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of a routine physical or psychological examinations or tests” [45 CFR 46.102(i)].

(2) Greater than Minimal Risk is defined as research that does not meet the above definition.

Approval Dates

The approval of an Amendment Request will NOT change the expiration date of the protocol. The expiration of IRB Approval will remain the same as determined at the previous Initial IRB Approval or Continuing Review. For example, if the protocol expires on 6/14/24 and the Amendment Request is approved on 2/10/24, the Amendment Approval Letter will reflect the following approval period: 2/10/24– 6/14/24.

Amendment During Continuing Review

The IRB does not recommend submitting amendment requests during the Continuing Review process as this will increase the turnaround time for these applications. However, if the requested modifications are minor (for example editorial or research staff changes) please make the changes to the appropriate section of the protocol and identify the changes in the Continuing Review application. In certain cases the IRB will make an exception to this policy, please contact the IRB with questions.

Amendments must be submitted when changes are being made – even if your protocol does not require submission of a Continuing Review. This is a UMD Policy and Federal Regulatory requirement.

Revised Documents

If revised versions of documents (consent documents, flyers, etc) previously approved by the IRB are submitted with changes, please note this in the footer of the document. For example: Revised-3/10/21. This helps maintain a proper protocol review history.

What to submit

To submit an amendment, you will need to complete: a) the Amendment Application and b) prepare any materials that have been revised since the initial submission or any new materials that have yet to be approved by the IRB.

  • If amending the Consent Form, please update the package number in the footer of the Consent Form to reflect the package number under which this Amendment will be submitted.
  • If new investigators/researchers will be added to the protocol and will be engaged in human subject research (HSR) activities (interaction with participants and/or identifiable data from participants), IRB Approval is required prior to these members engaging in any HSR activities. All HSR-engaged investigators/researchers must complete appropriate human subjects research training – CITI Basic Human Subjects Training.
    • For UMD investigators/researchers, their CITI training should be linked to their User Profile and to the package in IRBNet (see the IRB Training page).
    • For external investigators (e.g. people who are not faculty, student, or staff at UMD), the PI may upload a copy of their CITI training (or equivalent) as a Supporting Document.

Contact the IRB

Institutional Review Board ∙ ∙ 301-405-4212 ∙  1204 Marie Mount Hall ∙ Hours: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM