When is my project ready to submit?
- CITI training certificates for the Principal Investigator, Faculty Advisor (if PI is a student), and any Co-Investigators are linked to the project in IRBNet using the Link/Unlink function
- Initial Application Part 1 and Part 2 are completed
- The Department IRB Liaison has signed off
- The Faculty Advisor (if PI is a student) has signed off
- The Principal Investigator has signed off
Please DO NOT submit before each of the above items have been satisfied. If you submit an incomplete application, we will unlock your project and the review process will be stalled until you address the modifications and mark your revisions complete. Turning in an incomplete application will slow down the review process.
How to submit your application
- Select “University of Maryland College Park IRB” in the “Search for Organization” dropdown menu and click Continue.
NOTE: Please be careful when selecting where to submit your project as there are two review boards at the University of Maryland, the IRB (human subjects only) and the IACUC (animal research only). Selecting the incorrect board will require your application to be withdrawn and then will need to be resubmitted to the correct board. This will DELAY your REVIEW and APPROVAL.
- Be sure all documents are attached and in final form. Once you “SUBMIT,” the package cannot be edited unless you contact the IRB Office.
- Finally, select New Project as the Submission Type and click “SUBMIT.”
- To confirm you have submitted, click PROJECT OVERVIEW to review what has been sent.
- Project Status will reflect “Pending Review” status until the review has been completed. If the status reads “Work in Progress” you have not submitted the project.