University of Maryland

Create a New Package + Submit

What is a new package?

When projects are submitted for the first time, they receive a unique project number. Each time a new submission is made for a single project, you will submit it under the same project number, but the package number will change. For example “123456” is the project number, and “123456-1” is an Initial Application package. If you submitted an Amendment to make a change to that project, the package number for the amendment would be “123456-2”.

Create a new package

To create a new package for an amendment, continuing review, reportable event, or closure report:

  1. Login to and Click MY PROJECTS and click the title of the project you wish to modify.
  2. Click the CREATE NEW PACKAGE button on the left of the screen under the Project Administration heading.
  3. Upload the materials: click DESIGNER to attach the documents required for the submission type.
  4. For each document, click ATTACH NEW DOCUMENT and follow the instructions. Select a Document Type by clicking the blue dropdown arrow.
    1. If editing/uploading your consent form (e.g. for an amendment or continuing review), please update the package number in the footer of the Consent Form to reflect the package number under which this package will be submitted and approved. This ensures you are using the most “up-to-date” version of the form.
    2. To find the IRBNet package number, go to the MY PROJECTS tab and click on the title of your project. In the PROJECT OVERVIEW page, your IRBNet package number will be listed at the top, next to your project title.
Submit a new package
  1. Have the IRB Liaison review and sign off the initial package.
  2. Have the Principal Investigator sign off on the package.
    1. If you are not the Principal Investigator in IRBNet, send them a message by clicking “Send Project Mail” requesting that they review and sign off. Proceed only once you have received email confirmation from IRBNet that they have signed off.
    2. If you are the Principal Investigator in IRBNet, Click SIGN THIS PACKAGE under the Project Administration menu and follow the instructions.
      1. Please note that only the Principal Investigator is required to sign off on amendments, continuing reviews, reportable events, and closure reports.
  3. When the PI has signed off, Click SUBMIT THIS PACKAGE.
  4. Select “University of Maryland College Park IRB” in the “Search for Organization” dropdown menu and click Continue.
    1. NOTE: Please be careful when selecting where to submit your project as there are two review boards at the University of Maryland, the IRB (human subjects only) and the IACUC (animal research only). Selecting the incorrect board will require your application to be withdrawn and then will need to be resubmitted to the correct board. This will DELAY your REVIEW and APPROVAL.
  5. Finally, select a Submission Type based on the type of application being submitted and click “SUBMIT.”
  6. Click PROJECT OVERVIEW to review what has been sent. Project Status will reflect “Pending Review” status until the review has been completed. If the status reads “Work in Progress” you have not submitted the project.

When the IRB receives your submission, the IRB may unlock the package for more information and will inform the investigators of the next steps via IRBNet.