Technology Support
The INFO College transforms the way individuals, organizations and communities connect with information. Much of that connection relies on technology including the Internet, information systems, multi-media, and mobile computing devices. The college provides access to a technology environment through college facilities, co-located research centers, computer labs, affiliations with other campus research units, and through the campus Office of Information Technology.
Planning, implementation and support of technology at The INFO College is managed by the INFO Technology Office (ITO). Research facilities within the college include both group and individual research space, project rooms equipped with computers and presentation equipment, a student computer lab, a usability lab, formal and informal meeting and collaboration spaces, and Web and technical support through the INFO Technology Office.
Wireless access is available throughout The INFO College. Wired computers, printers, and other networked equipment are also available for use by the INO community. Server space, mobile devices, and software tools are available for faculty-sponsored student use. The College provides additional access to technologies through its research and learning partnerships. The INFO College provides training and development in use of technology through a variety of offerings including student-led training sessions, technology workshops, guest presentations, structured technology trial programs, online tutorials, and individual consultations.
Additional IT Resources