University of Maryland

Proposal Resources and Reminders

Grant/Contractor Proposal Reminders
  • Be sure to notify your Business Manager as soon as you start considering submitting a proposal (even if it doesn’t end up happening)
  • ORA requests 6 business days to review and submit proposals
  • Treat proposals where UMD is not the lead (i.e. we are a sub to another university) the same as any other proposal. The UMD routing is the same and Business Managers need the same amount of lead time.
    • Keep in mind that our documents will likely be due to the lead institution a week or two prior to the actual submission deadline
Budget Information
  • Budget Categories include:
    • Personnel
    • Equipment
    • Travel
    • Participant support costs and other direct costs
  • Faculty will provide budget wishlist to Business Manager
  • Wishlists should include all expenses required to achieve the goals of your proposed project
  • The Business Managers will develop the budget based on the wishlist and notify you of unallowable expenses and make any necessary recommendations
  • Example Graduate Student Cost and Sample Budget Justification

Budget Questions to Consider

  • How Business Managers Develop a Budget? 
    • PI’s designated Business Managers will develop proposals based on the budget that the PI will provide
  • Things to Consider in a Wishlist
  • I’d like to put some money aside for HCIL, KidsTeam, etc. How do I do that?
    • Discuss with your Business Manager.
  • Can I include a coordinator/project manager in my budget?
    • Please discuss this with your Business Manager regarding this specific request.
  • Sample Budget justification. What does this look like?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


  • What is the difference between funding types, like startup fund, DRIF fund, external fund, corporate fund/gift? How are those managed?
    • Startup Funds
      • Part of your appointment package
      • Jointly managed by the Faculty and Business Manager
    • DRIF Funds
      • These are College funds managed by the College Finance Team
    • External funds
      • Funds awarded from a source outside the University which includes governmental and private
      • May be in the form of a grant, contract, subaward, foundation award, etc.
      • Jointly managed by the Faculty and/or Business Manager/College Finance Team
    • Corporate fund/gift
      • Funds awarded from a corporation – Google, Adobe, Facebook, etc.
      • May be restricted for a specific use
      • Jointly managed by the Faculty and College Finance Team

Conference Registration/Travel/Memberships

  • Where do I get information regarding Travel?


  • How should we get reimbursed for various costs? And when should we do that?
    • Contact your Business Manager for  information on Reimbursement Processes
    • For additional information, please see the Expense Reimbursement Page
    • Requests for reimbursements should be submitted within 60 days

IT Purchases

  • If we would like to subscribe to a premium plan of software, how shall we pay and get reimbursed?
    • Contact Chris Hawley for all IT-related purchases
    • Chris will make all IT purchases which come with the benefit of all University discounts
  • If we need to purchase relatively small things (as compared to laptops/monitors that require our IT staff), what is the process of purchase/reimbursement? Examples include cable adapters, a better microphone for remote meetings, mouse/keyboard.
    • Contact Chris Hawley for all IT-related purchases
      Chris will make all IT purchases which come with the benefit of all University discounts

Furniture Purchases

  • How do I request furniture purchases for my office or lab?
    • UMD being a state agency has a specific set of rules for furniture purchases regardless of the funding source. Please contact Chris Hawley and Cecilia Penn-Diallo regarding any purchase requests you may have.

Fauclty Suport – Business Managers

  • Assist with all grant and contract proposals
  • Manage all funding sources (grants, contracts, startup, retention, etc.)
  • Assist with non-IT purchases
  • Assist with hiring research assistants (including research GAs), hourly student workers, and other support personnel
  • Process research participant support payments
  • They can also help you navigate where to go in the INFO College for other types of administrative support if you are not sure who to talk to. Always start with your Business Managers!

Staff Support – College Finance Team

  • Manage all College accounts
  • Provides Team Leads with routine budget updates
  • Manages Foundation funds
  • Assists staff with procurements and contracts
  • Assists students make purchases on their RIGs or other awarded College funds
  • Processing scholarship and fellowship payments

Other Support – Admin Team

  • Processing travel requests and reimbursements
  • Paying for conference registration
  • Assisting with travel logistics
  • Ordering food for events
  • Ordering office supplies and business cards
  • Handling INFO College conference room reservations
  • Mailing packages
Proposal Resources

Proposal Development – Flow Chart of Critical Steps (Download here)

Picture of iSchool Proposal Flowchart

Proposal Development Process (Download here)

Proposal Development Timeline (Download here)

Important Notes and Links