University of Maryland

Information Science Program Committee

2023-2024 Committee Membership

The Information Science Program Committee oversees the maintenance, development, and support of the Bachelor of Science in Information Science (BSIS) program.  This includes but is not limited to reviewing and approving any substantive change to curriculum and making recommendations to PCC regarding policies (new or changing) that affect the BSIS program.  The Committee also reviews and approves/denies BSIS student petitions, recommends appropriate actions for students having academic difficulty, works with the Awards Committee to identify undergraduates for recognition, and provides general guidance to the program directors to ensure that the activities of the BSIS program are developing in a fashion that is consistent with the goals of the College as a whole.


Pamela Duffy Co-Chair
Galina Reitz Co-Chair
Donal Heidenblad Member
Susannah B.F. Paletz Member
Zubin Jelveh Member
Casey Majewski Member, Student Rep/InfoSci College Park
Melika Moshirian Fard Member, Student Rep/InfoSci Shady Grove
Tetyana Bezbabna Member (ex officio, non-voting)
Ron Padron Member (ex officio, non-voting)
Kate Izsak Member (ex officio, non-voting)

Fall 2023 Committee Meetings

  • Join via Zoom (Passcode: 825157)
    • Friday, September 15, 2023 – 1:30pm-2:30pm
    • Friday, October 20, 2023 – 1:30pm-2:30pm
    • Friday, November 17, 2023 – 1:30pm-2:30pm
    • Friday, December 15, 2023 – 1:30pm-2:30pm

Spring 2024 Committee Meetings

    • Friday, February 16, 2024 – 1:30pm-2:30pm
    • Friday, March 22, 2024 – 1:30pm-2:30pm
    • Friday, April 19, 2024 – 1:30pm-2:30pm
    • Friday, April 19, 2024 – 1:30pm-2:30pm
    • Friday, May 17, 2024 – 1:30pm-2:30pm

Other Responsibilities and Requirements

The chairs are responsible for conducting regular meetings and ensuring they are included in the iSchool Calendar so that interested parties may attend.

The chairs are also responsible for communicating with the College about the committee’s activities.  Activities to accomplish this can include, but need not be limited to:

  • Distribution of meeting minutes through the College intranet (required)
  • Providing timely updates to the Dean for inclusion in the weekly College update
  • Distribution of a monthly update (if this is appropriate, please coordinate with the appropriate individual to schedule the distribution of the regular committee update)
  • Conducting open meetings or briefings on specific topics for interested faculty, staff, and students

Meeting Minutes

2023-2024 Academic Year

December 2023: Agenda, Minutes May 2024: Cancelled 
November 2023: Agenda, Minutes April 2024: Agenda, Minutes
October 2023: Agenda, Minutes March 2024: Agenda, Minutes
September 2023: AgendaMinutes February 2024: Agenda, Minutes

2022-2023 Academic Year

December 2022: AgendaMinutes May 2023: Agenda, Minutes
November 2022: AgendaMinutes April 2023: Agenda, Minutes
October 2022: Agenda, Minutes March 2023: Agenda, Minutes
September 2022: AgendaMinutes February 2023: Agenda, Minutes

2021-2022 Academic Year

December 2021: Agenda, Minutes May 2022: Agenda, Minutes
November 2021: Agenda, Minutes April 2022: Cancelled
October 2021: Agenda, Minutes March 2022: Agenda, Minutes
September 2021: Agenda, Minutes February 2022: Agenda, Minutes

2020-2021 Academic Year

02/22/2021 (February 2021 Meeting) 04/30/2021 (April 2021 Meeting)
09-12/2020 (September-December Meetings) 03/26/2021 (March 2021 Meeting)

2019-2020 Academic Year

11/20/2019 (November 2019 Meeting) 03-05/2020 (March-May 2020 Meetings)
10/16/2019 (October 2019 Meeting) 02/07/2020 (February 2020 Meeting)
09/11/2019 (September 2019 Meeting) 12/11/2019 (December 2019 Meeting)

2018-2019 Academic Year

12/12/2018 (December 2018 Meeting) 05/2019 (May 2019 Meeting)
11/6/2018 (November 2018 Meeting) 04/2019 (April 2019 Meeting)
10/4/2018 (October 2018 Meeting) 03/08/2019 (March 2019 Meeting)
9/4/2018 (September 2018 Meeting) 02/11/2019 (February 2019 Meeting)

2017-2018 Academic Year

The Committee did not have a December 2017 meeting 5/2/2018 (May 2018 Meeting)
11/27/2017 (November 2017 Meeting) 4/4/2018 (April 2018 Meeting)
11/2/2017 (October 2017 Meeting) 2/28/2018 (March 2018 Meeting)
9/28/2017 (September 2017 Meeting) 1/30/2018 (February 2018 Meeting)

2016-2017 Academic Year

12/1/2016 (December 2016 Meeting) 5/4/2017 (May 2017 Meeting)
11/3/2016 (November 2016 Meeting) 4/6/2017 (April 2017 Meeting)
10/6/2016 (October 2016 Meeting) 3/2/2017 (March 2017 Meeting)
9/8/2016 (September 2016 Meeting) 2/2/2017 (February 2017 Meeting)

2015-2016 Academic Year

12/8/2015 (December 2015 Meeting) 4/27/2016 (May 2016 Meeting)
11/9/2015 (November 2015 Meeting) 3/29/2016 (April 2016 Meeting)
9/29/2015 (October 2015 Meeting) 2/23/2016 (March 2016 Meeting)
9/1/2015 (September 2015 Meeting) 1/28/2016 (February 2016 Meeting)