University of Maryland

College of Information (INFO) Research Guide

So, you’re all set to do your life-changing, earth-shattering research at the College of Information (INFO). Fantastic! You’ve got an idea. You’ve got a plan. Maybe you’ve even got a source of funding in your sights. Now what? Perhaps you’re midway through a project of tremendous brilliance when you’re invited to speak at a conference. Or you bump into a problem analyzing your data. Or you’re confronted with hours and hours of recordings to transcribe. How do you move forward?

This guide is for you! We have sought to provide answers to your basic questions about the ins and outs of research, and a point of contact to help you answer your more complex questions. This guide provides INFO-specific information and links to the Integrated Research Resources on Campus, with supplements to provide extra help with INFO processes and resources from beyond UMD. If you don’t find what you need, please let us know. We’re always looking to improve.

Browse by your Research Stage:

Start Your Research
Just getting started turning your great idea into a reality? These resources will help you develop a plan, build a team, find facilities, or get the training you need to get started.

Perform your Research

Handy tools and resources to help you with the meat and potatoes of your research. Includes links to helpful data collection and management tools, university policies and procedures, and more.

Communicate and Disseminate Research

Now that your research is producing exciting results, you want to share them with as many people as possible. These resources will help you develop your manuscript, archive your research, host an event at the iSchool, and more.

Frequently Used Resources:

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